Information Technology Analysts and Designers

Information Technology Analysts and Designers are responsible for the overall system design, mapping of the system requirements and technical requirements of the company which produces technical specifications and integrates various technologies, processes and people. As well as having overall responsibility for applications such as remote operations centers, and predictive maintenance. In addition, they have a wide range of skills, linking business knowledge and IT experience such as data management, applications and technology.

Network Technology Manager and Developer

Network Technology Managers and Developers are responsible for designing and implementing new network solutions, increasing the efficiency of existing networks and maintaining communication between cloud computing infrastructures based on IoT Communications standards.

Cloud Computing Technology Managers and Developers

Designing cloud computing-based services to support enterprise business services and IoT applications.

Information Technology Innovation Manager and Developer

Have hardware programming and operating system capabilities, which have the basis for designing smart homes, and the smart industry.

Information Technology Security Analysts and Developers

In charge of analyzing the weaknesses of Information Technology Infrastructure systems both internally and externally and designing security attack prevention.


A Technopreneur can apply specialized skills in the field of information technology as a business opportunity independently or in groups.